Летно-исследовательский институт
имени М.М. Громова

Basic Research

Flight research represents the final link in the chain of routine research technology in aviation science (calculation, mathematical simulation, ground stand testing, flight research). Of all others, its results make the final reliability criteria of the entire research cycle.

Aerodynamic problems. Flight dynamics Currently, the Institute is developing the GLL-31 flight experimental complex with aircraft-type start meant for the research of ram jet engines and the problems of hypersonic flight at the speed up to Mach 10. Besides, the GLL-VK (high grade hypersonic flying laboratory) complex is being developed. More >>>

Research Into Engine Units Presently the technology is under development of means of monitoring and diagnostics of pre-failure state of an engine, using non-contact methods and electrophysical parameters (laser, stagger flows, metal content in oil, etc.). More >>>

Aircraft Instrumentation. The Gromov Institute's airfield is one of the largest in the world. Its concrete surfacing covers the area of 2.5 million square kilometers. More >>>

Safety and reliability. The reliability theory and practical methods of analysis of aviation machinery have been developed at the Institute. More >>>

Expert System's development. The research, carried out at the Institute and aimed at the development of methods of making low-cost computerized systems for flight and ground personnel training will in prospect allow designing training systems for operators of various implicitly dangerous civil installations. More >>>

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Летно-исследовательский институт имени М.М. Громова © FinS.ru