Летно-исследовательский институт
имени М.М. Громова

Onboard safety system

One of the principal directions of the Institute's activities is development of onboard safety systems. Being installed on a plane or helicopter, such systems collect and process the aircraft status information, warn of individual systems' failures, exercise automatic recovery from dangerous flight modes, and ensure the crew rescue.

“ Thanks to the Institute, the unitized ejection seat family produced by now famed "Zvezda" - the major Russian manufacturer of life support and recovery systems - won wide recognition.”

Much active work is being done at the Institute aimed at creation of intelligent systems for crew support in critical flight situations. Systems of automatic recovery from complex spatial attitudes are under development. Thanks to the Institute, the unitized ejection seat family produced by now famed "Zvezda" - the major Russian manufacturer of life support and recovery systems - won wide recognition.
Close attention is given at the Institute to such life support systems for passengers and crews as air conditioning systems, oxygen systems, noise and vibration protection systems, systems of protection from toxic impurities in the air, and fire survival means.

“ In order to ensure safety of Tu-144's maiden mission, more than 150 flights have been made on its flying analog, MiG-21I.”

It is necessary to note the parent role of the Institute in construction and certification of airborne fire-fighting systems. The Institute carries out research into various techniques of aircraft icing protection -anti-icing systems are being developed, icing warning systems improved. In accordance with the domestic and international norms, systems responsible for flight safety should be resistant to high intensity electromagnetic fields.
To meet these requirements, the Institute put into practice the technique of certification testing of all type aircraft under power electromagnetic fields. According to the world statistics, every in-service main-line aircraft is on the average once a year hit with lightning.
Therefore, lightning protection level of an aircraft should be high enough to ensure regular continuation of its flight. During bed and air tests performed by the Institute, a new aircraft and its structure components undergo development and certification to meet the lightning protection requirements. Because of the current situation in the world the problem of protection of passenger and transport aircraft from terrorism attracts increasing attention. Projects were developed at the Institute to ensure aircraft protection from homing missiles.

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Летно-исследовательский институт имени М.М. Громова © FinS.ru