Due to its highly skilled personnel and unique test facilities, the Institute traditionally conducts certain most complex prototype tests. These are stall and spin tests, non-conventional flight-strength tests in aeroelasticity, assessments of active load dropping and endurance augmentation systems, and tests in heat strength and aerodynamic blade loads.
“ the Institute conducts stall and spin tests, non-conventional flight-strength tests in aeroelasticity, assessments of active load dropping and endurance augmentation systems, and tests in heat strength and aerodynamic blade loads”
The Institute performs the following tests:
- tests of engine units and their systems;
- tests of complex flight control and navigation systems and automatic control systems;
- tests to determine noise characteristics of all-type aircraft;
- tests of anti-icing systems;
- tests of communication complexes;
- tests of electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic safety, and lightning resistance;
- tests to determine operating and performance characteristics.
The Institute takes an active part in creation and testing of the following aircraft systems:
- escape and survival systems for passengers and crews;
- life support systems;
- fire protection systems;
- fuel systems;
- systems of engine protection from foreign object penetration;
- onboard and ground-based operational control and flight data logging systems;
- maintenance support means.
“Presently, the Certification Center is working over the testing and certification of An-140, Tu-324, Tu-334, Be-200, and other aircrafts.”
Performing prototype tests, the Institute's expert teams take part in flight construction, official delivery, and certification trials.
In accordance to the resolution by Avia-Register and Board of Aerospace Industry, the aircraft certification center has been created in the Flight Research Institute. In recent years, the 11-96-300 and Tu-204 planes has been certified with active participation of the Institute. The experts from the Institute's Certification Center contributed into the development of II-96T, Tu-214,11-114, and 11-103. Presently, the Certification Center is working over the testing and certification of An-140, Tu-324, Tu-334, Be-200, and other aircraft on various construction stages.
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